array:6 [ 0 => array:28 [ "id" => 21 "catname" => "小夜灯" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 50 "url" => "/index/product/index.html?cate=21" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" "modulename" => "产品模型" "moduleurl" => "product" "module" => Module {#644 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: true -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ 0 => "id" 1 => "=" 2 => 4 ] ] #connection: null #name: "Module" #table: null #queryInstance: Query {#648 #connection: Mysql {#25 #config: array:22 [ …22] #PDOStatement: PDOStatement {#559 …1} #queryStr: "SELECT * FROM `tp_product` WHERE ( find_in_set(4,`suoshuzhuti`) AND status = 1 ) AND `cate_id` = :ThinkBind_1_ ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`create_time` DESC LIMIT 1 " #transTimes: 0 #fetchType: 2 #attrCase: 0 #info: array:7 [ …7] #queryStartTime: 1728726953.8329 #params: array:5 [ …5] #bindType: array:7 [ …7] #breakMatchStr: array:11 [ …11] #bind: array:1 [ …1] #numRows: 0 #error: "" #links: array:1 [ …1] #linkID: PDO {#35 …2} #linkRead: null #linkWrite: null #builder: Mysql {#33 …8} #db: Db {#36 #instance: array:1 [ "mysql" => Mysql {#25} ] #config: Config {#5 #config: array:14 [ …14] #path: "D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\qncgyp\www\config\" #ext: ".php" } #event: Event {#10 #listener: array:5 [ "think\event\AppInit" => [] "think\event\HttpRun" => [] "think\event\HttpEnd" => [] "LogLevel" => [] "think\event\LogWrite" => [] ] #observer: [] #bind: array:5 [ "AppInit" => "think\event\AppInit" "HttpRun" => "think\event\HttpRun" "HttpEnd" => "think\event\HttpEnd" "RouteLoaded" => "think\event\RouteLoaded" "LogWrite" => "think\event\LogWrite" ] #withEvent: true #app: App {#3 #appDebug: true #beginTime: 1728726953.4412 #beginMem: 1092968 #namespace: "app\index" #rootPath: "D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\qncgyp\www\" #thinkPath: "D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\qncgyp\www\vendor\topthink\framework\src\" #appPath: "D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\qncgyp\www\app\index\" #runtimePath: "D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\qncgyp\www\runtime\index\" #configExt: ".php" #initializers: array:3 [ …3] #services: array:4 [ …4] #initialized: true #bind: array:26 [ …26] #instances: array:19 [ …19] #invokeCallback: [] } } #listen: [] #dbLog: [] #queryTimes: 189 #cache: Cache {#39 #namespace: "\think\cache\driver\" #app: App {#3} #drivers: array:1 [ …1] } #log: Log {#38 #namespace: "\think\log\driver\" #app: App {#3} #drivers: array:1 [ …1] } } #readMaster: false #cache: Cache {#39} } #name: "Module" #pk: "id" #prefix: "tp_" #options: [] #timeRule: array:8 [ "today" => array:2 [ …2] "yesterday" => array:2 [ …2] "week" => array:2 [ …2] "last week" => array:2 [ …2] "month" => array:2 [ …2] "last month" => array:2 [ …2] "year" => array:2 [ …2] "last year" => array:2 [ …2] ] #model: Module {#690 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: false -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: null #connection: null #name: "Module" #table: null #queryInstance: null #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: [] -origin: [] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: null -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: false force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: null connection: null name: "Module" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: [] origin: [] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: null relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } #bind: [] } #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] -origin: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: Cate {#654 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: true -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: null #connection: null #name: "Cate" #table: null #queryInstance: Query {#700 #connection: Mysql {#25} #name: "Cate" #pk: "id" #prefix: "tp_" #options: [] #timeRule: array:8 [ …8] #model: Cate {#652 …79} #bind: [] } #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: array:24 [ "id" => 21 "catname" => "小夜灯" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 50 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] -origin: array:24 [ "id" => 21 "catname" => "小夜灯" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 50 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: null -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: true force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: null connection: null name: "Cate" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: array:24 [ "id" => 21 "catname" => "小夜灯" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 50 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] origin: array:24 [ "id" => 21 "catname" => "小夜灯" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 50 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: null relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: true force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ 0 => "id" 1 => "=" 2 => 4 ] ] connection: null name: "Module" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] origin: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: Cate {#654} relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } "sub" => [] ] 1 => array:28 [ "id" => 34 "catname" => "方块摆件" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 51 "url" => "/index/product/index.html?cate=34" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" "modulename" => "产品模型" "moduleurl" => "product" "module" => Module {#692 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: true -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ 0 => "id" 1 => "=" 2 => 4 ] ] #connection: null #name: "Module" #table: null #queryInstance: Query {#681 #connection: Mysql {#25} #name: "Module" #pk: "id" #prefix: "tp_" #options: [] #timeRule: array:8 [ "today" => array:2 [ …2] "yesterday" => array:2 [ …2] "week" => array:2 [ …2] "last week" => array:2 [ …2] "month" => array:2 [ …2] "last month" => array:2 [ …2] "year" => array:2 [ …2] "last year" => array:2 [ …2] ] #model: Module {#649 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: false -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: null #connection: null #name: "Module" #table: null #queryInstance: null #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: [] -origin: [] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: null -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: false force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: null connection: null name: "Module" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: [] origin: [] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: null relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } #bind: [] } #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] -origin: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: Cate {#689 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: true -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: null #connection: null #name: "Cate" #table: null #queryInstance: Query {#670 #connection: Mysql {#25} #name: "Cate" #pk: "id" #prefix: "tp_" #options: [] #timeRule: array:8 [ …8] #model: Cate {#652 …79} #bind: [] } #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: array:24 [ "id" => 34 "catname" => "方块摆件" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 51 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] -origin: array:24 [ "id" => 34 "catname" => "方块摆件" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 51 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: null -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: true force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: null connection: null name: "Cate" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: array:24 [ "id" => 34 "catname" => "方块摆件" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 51 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] origin: array:24 [ "id" => 34 "catname" => "方块摆件" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 51 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: null relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: true force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ 0 => "id" 1 => "=" 2 => 4 ] ] connection: null name: "Module" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] origin: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: Cate {#689} relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } "sub" => [] ] 2 => array:28 [ "id" => 20 "catname" => "摆件" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 51 "url" => "/index/product/index.html?cate=20" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" "modulename" => "产品模型" "moduleurl" => "product" "module" => Module {#615 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: true -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ 0 => "id" 1 => "=" 2 => 4 ] ] #connection: null #name: "Module" #table: null #queryInstance: Query {#701 #connection: Mysql {#25} #name: "Module" #pk: "id" #prefix: "tp_" #options: [] #timeRule: array:8 [ "today" => array:2 [ …2] "yesterday" => array:2 [ …2] "week" => array:2 [ …2] "last week" => array:2 [ …2] "month" => array:2 [ …2] "last month" => array:2 [ …2] "year" => array:2 [ …2] "last year" => array:2 [ …2] ] #model: Module {#683 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: false -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: null #connection: null #name: "Module" #table: null #queryInstance: null #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: [] -origin: [] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: null -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: false force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: null connection: null name: "Module" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: [] origin: [] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: null relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } #bind: [] } #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] -origin: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: Cate {#705 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: true -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: null #connection: null #name: "Cate" #table: null #queryInstance: Query {#669 #connection: Mysql {#25} #name: "Cate" #pk: "id" #prefix: "tp_" #options: [] #timeRule: array:8 [ …8] #model: Cate {#652 …79} #bind: [] } #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: array:24 [ "id" => 20 "catname" => "摆件" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 51 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] -origin: array:24 [ "id" => 20 "catname" => "摆件" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 51 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: null -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: true force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: null connection: null name: "Cate" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: array:24 [ "id" => 20 "catname" => "摆件" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 51 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] origin: array:24 [ "id" => 20 "catname" => "摆件" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 51 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: null relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: true force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ 0 => "id" 1 => "=" 2 => 4 ] ] connection: null name: "Module" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] origin: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: Cate {#705} relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } "sub" => [] ] 3 => array:28 [ "id" => 35 "catname" => "首饰" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 52 "url" => "/index/product/index.html?cate=35" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" "modulename" => "产品模型" "moduleurl" => "product" "module" => Module {#697 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: true -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ 0 => "id" 1 => "=" 2 => 4 ] ] #connection: null #name: "Module" #table: null #queryInstance: Query {#626 #connection: Mysql {#25} #name: "Module" #pk: "id" #prefix: "tp_" #options: [] #timeRule: array:8 [ "today" => array:2 [ …2] "yesterday" => array:2 [ …2] "week" => array:2 [ …2] "last week" => array:2 [ …2] "month" => array:2 [ …2] "last month" => array:2 [ …2] "year" => array:2 [ …2] "last year" => array:2 [ …2] ] #model: Module {#693 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: false -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: null #connection: null #name: "Module" #table: null #queryInstance: null #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: [] -origin: [] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: null -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: false force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: null connection: null name: "Module" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: [] origin: [] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: null relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } #bind: [] } #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] -origin: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: Cate {#623 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: true -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: null #connection: null #name: "Cate" #table: null #queryInstance: Query {#668 #connection: Mysql {#25} #name: "Cate" #pk: "id" #prefix: "tp_" #options: [] #timeRule: array:8 [ …8] #model: Cate {#652 …79} #bind: [] } #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: array:24 [ "id" => 35 "catname" => "首饰" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 52 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] -origin: array:24 [ "id" => 35 "catname" => "首饰" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 52 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: null -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: true force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: null connection: null name: "Cate" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: array:24 [ "id" => 35 "catname" => "首饰" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 52 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] origin: array:24 [ "id" => 35 "catname" => "首饰" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 52 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: null relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: true force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ 0 => "id" 1 => "=" 2 => 4 ] ] connection: null name: "Module" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] origin: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: Cate {#623} relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } "sub" => [] ] 4 => array:28 [ "id" => 22 "catname" => "钥匙扣" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 53 "url" => "/index/product/index.html?cate=22" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" "modulename" => "产品模型" "moduleurl" => "product" "module" => Module {#679 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: true -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ 0 => "id" 1 => "=" 2 => 4 ] ] #connection: null #name: "Module" #table: null #queryInstance: Query {#612 #connection: Mysql {#25} #name: "Module" #pk: "id" #prefix: "tp_" #options: [] #timeRule: array:8 [ "today" => array:2 [ …2] "yesterday" => array:2 [ …2] "week" => array:2 [ …2] "last week" => array:2 [ …2] "month" => array:2 [ …2] "last month" => array:2 [ …2] "year" => array:2 [ …2] "last year" => array:2 [ …2] ] #model: Module {#678 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: false -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: null #connection: null #name: "Module" #table: null #queryInstance: null #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: [] -origin: [] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: null -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: false force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: null connection: null name: "Module" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: [] origin: [] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: null relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } #bind: [] } #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] -origin: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: Cate {#617 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: true -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: null #connection: null #name: "Cate" #table: null #queryInstance: Query {#707 #connection: Mysql {#25} #name: "Cate" #pk: "id" #prefix: "tp_" #options: [] #timeRule: array:8 [ …8] #model: Cate {#652 …79} #bind: [] } #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: array:24 [ "id" => 22 "catname" => "钥匙扣" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 53 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] -origin: array:24 [ "id" => 22 "catname" => "钥匙扣" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 53 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: null -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: true force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: null connection: null name: "Cate" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: array:24 [ "id" => 22 "catname" => "钥匙扣" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 53 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] origin: array:24 [ "id" => 22 "catname" => "钥匙扣" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 53 "url" => "" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" ] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: null relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: true force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ 0 => "id" 1 => "=" 2 => 4 ] ] connection: null name: "Module" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] origin: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: Cate {#617} relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } "sub" => [] ] 5 => array:28 [ "id" => 36 "catname" => "其它" "enname" => "" "catdir" => "" "parentid" => 14 "moduleid" => 4 "sort" => 54 "url" => "/index/product/index.html?cate=36" "content" => null "image" => "" "icoimage" => "" "title" => "" "keywords" => "" "description" => "" "summary" => "" "template_list" => "" "template_show" => "product_show.html" "pagesize" => 0 "is_menu" => 1 "is_next" => 0 "is_blank" => 0 "status" => 1 "catotherid" => 0 "excelfield" => "" "modulename" => "产品模型" "moduleurl" => "product" "module" => Module {#619 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: true -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ 0 => "id" 1 => "=" 2 => 4 ] ] #connection: null #name: "Module" #table: null #queryInstance: Query {#560 #connection: Mysql {#25} #name: "Module" #pk: "id" #prefix: "tp_" #options: [] #timeRule: array:8 [ "today" => array:2 [ …2] "yesterday" => array:2 [ …2] "week" => array:2 [ …2] "last week" => array:2 [ …2] "month" => array:2 [ …2] "last month" => array:2 [ …2] "year" => array:2 [ …2] "last year" => array:2 [ …2] ] #model: Module {#621 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: false -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: null #connection: null #name: "Module" #table: null #queryInstance: null #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: [] -origin: [] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: null -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false …37 } #bind: [] } #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] -origin: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: Cate {#556 #autoWriteTimestamp: false -exists: true -force: false -replace: false #suffix: null -updateWhere: null #connection: null #name: "Cate" #table: null #queryInstance: Query {#704 …8} #defaultSoftDelete: null #globalScope: [] -lazySave: false #db: Db {#36} #pk: "id" #schema: [] #field: [] #type: [] #disuse: [] #readonly: [] -data: array:24 [ …24] -origin: array:24 [ …24] #json: [] #jsonType: [] #jsonAssoc: false #strict: true -set: [] -withAttr: [] -parent: null -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: true force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: null connection: null name: "Cate" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: array:24 [ …24] origin: array:24 [ …24] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] withAttr: [] parent: null relation: [] together: [] relationWrite: [] withEvent: true createTime: "create_time" updateTime: "update_time" dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" visible: [] hidden: [] append: [] resultSetType: null } -relation: [] -together: [] #relationWrite: [] #event: Event {#10} #withEvent: true #createTime: "create_time" #updateTime: "update_time" #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" #visible: [] #hidden: [] #append: [] #resultSetType: null autoWriteTimestamp: false exists: true force: false replace: false suffix: null updateWhere: array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] ] connection: null name: "Module" table: null defaultSoftDelete: null globalScope: [] lazySave: false pk: "id" schema: [] field: [] type: [] disuse: [] readonly: [] data: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] origin: array:9 [ "id" => 4 "title" => "产品模型" "name" => "product" "description" => "产品展示" "type" => 1 "issystem" => 0 "listfields" => "*" "sort" => 0 "status" => 1 ] json: [] jsonType: [] jsonAssoc: false strict: true set: [] 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